The 5 C's
2023-24 Campaign
I am accepting nomination for 2023-2024 District 1 Commander. After being approached by some Posts in the District and much consideration, I have indicated I am accepting nomination for the high office of District Commander for the 2023-2024 year. Being asked to consider this nomination is quite an honor in and of itself, and I do not take this honor lightly. Since 2010, I have been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving within District 1. Since June of 2020, I have been fortunate to serve this District as an officer, and I have been blessed with numerous opportunities to serve veterans throughout our great District.
What’s My Vision?
Today, our District is in great shape! While challenges will always come our way, we have been fortunate to grow and succeed Post-COVID under the leadership of District Commander, Kevin Daniel. District officers, Post officers, and the nine current Posts of District 1 have rallied together to effect positive change and impact in the lives of veterans and their family members. Filling Commander Daniel’s shoes is not a task that will be easy for anyone, but I firmly believe I am the right person for this honorable position. For 2023-2024, my vision is the 5 C’s:
- Comradery
- Commitment
- Culture
- Communication
- Community
Comradery – We are District 1. We have shared experiences and a shared cause. We look out for one another and enjoy time together. If elected, I will work alongside District and Post leadership to ensure that every veteran feels welcomed and that we work together across the District to ensure these veterans are taken care of.
Commitment – I live and breathe the VFW. I have a passion to serve, and I have been fortunate to have numerous opportunities to put my skills and time to good use within our veteran communities. Week in and week out, I put in 30 to 40 hours to help facilitate positive change on behalf of our fellow warriors. If elected, I will be an active Commander, looking for ways to help each Post reach their goals while also reaching the goals and expectations set forth by Department and National. If we don’t fight for the rights of our fellow veterans, who will? I’m fully committed to the mission ahead and will work each day and night to make sure all resources are exhausted to help your Post.
Culture – TEAMWORK is one of the biggest reasons why Posts in this District have been successful. The District is here to support your efforts and reinforce the positive, veteran-focused culture that we are building upon. As District Commander, I will pledge to help Posts work together, sharing expertise and resources while working to solve challenges that come up.
Communication – Success doesn’t happen by itself, and no one person can guarantee the success of the mission. However, success is improved through enhanced communication. I believe we MUST keep everyone informed. District serves as a bridge between Department and Posts. Consistent communication between Posts and the District help ensure you have the tools necessary to best serve veterans. If elected, I will make sure to keep all Posts updated on veteran matters and opportunities within the District. I will appoint individuals with the skills, tools, and drive to help you when the need arises. I will fight for the best interest of your Post and our District. I will ensure that your concerns are heard and pushed up to the appropriate party so we can resolve matters quicker and get back to the mission that we are all here to serve.
Community – With over 16,000 community service hours and $75,000 donated, our District leads the Department in community service reported! That equates to nearly $600,000 worth of community impact, and the reporting year isn’t over. We are on pace to surpass $750,000 in impact. However, as we know, there is much work left to do. As District Commander, I pledge to secure more resources for each Post to be successful in their communities. I will ask all District officers to aid the Posts in garnering more visibility in the communities. A community that sees the VFW will be a great partner of it, and, with that, recruiting efforts become a little easier. Further, I will work alongside your Post leadership to help secure more community partners to make reaching your mission a bit easier. Finding and linking those connections across the District will help us all be more successful.
I know the decision of selecting a District Commander is not one you take lightly. Usually, the District Commander is someone called upon to be the busiest person in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I realize this responsibility and expectation, and I have the dedication, energy, and determination to meet and exceed that. I look forward to serving you, your Post, and the veterans we all serve in the ensuing year.
Thank you for your time and consideration. If there is anything I can do to better serve or assist you and your Post in the interim, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know. If you have questions about my vision or qualifications, I am here to answer anything on your mind! I look forward to seeing you and your fellow Comrades at an upcoming Post meeting or event.
In Comradeship,
Dwayne Kilbourne
Jr Vice Commander, District 1 – VFW Department of Georgia
Adjutant, District 1 – VFW Department of Georgia
Personal Achievements
District 1 Achievements (Collective)
VFWService Record
Helping District 1 Posts
- Collaborating on upcoming Health Fair (slated for June 2023)
- Supported Bingo and local events
- Assisted with Christmas Day Veteran’s Luncheon Event (12/25/2022)
- Working on We Care Resource Fair (Rome Edition) – VFW Point of Contact
- Collaborating to reach local pro-veteran brands
- Recruiting & Fair Planning Assistance
- Support revenue through Bingo
- Help with Buddy Poppy Drives (Lowe’s in Canton)
- Attended Game Night
- Helped Raise over $2,000 for 48th IBCT (Volunteer MWR Fund)
- Helped with Parade Float for Patriot’s Day Parade
- Virtual Runner in support of Rough Rider 5k
- Attended monthly Veteran’s Breakfasts
- Supported / Attended 77th Birthday Event
- Helped with Life Saver Citation Issues
- Training / Reporting Assistance
- Working on We Care Resource Fair (Rome Edition) – VFW Point of Contact
- Collaborating to reach local pro-veteran brands
- Recruiting & Fair Planning Assistance
- North Georgia State Fair
- Recruiting / Reporting Assistance
VFW Post 5408
2021-2022 All-American Post Commander
District 1 (Georgia)
Department (Georgia)
2021-2022 Recruiter Award